Monday, August 6, 2012

Journal 8: Adaptive Technologies

The term Assistive Adaptive Technology refers to the tools that are out there that help people with disabilities perform tasks that their disabilities have rendered them unable to perform.  Tools that are available now help those with disabilities function in the real world.  It is incumbent upon us as educators to facilitate the learning process through the use of these devises.


This adaptive eyeglases is made to be tuned by the wearer to correct his/her own vision.  More than 30,000 have been distributed in 15 countries and have helped countless who have vision impairment.  


The Apple ipad2 urtalker pro is a fully featured communication application that is affordable.  It comes with fully customized grid board style views for categories and words.  This allows the user to grow with the app.  The user may start simply with one or two grids them move up all the way to harder and more grids.  This app makes communication easy and effective for children with autism, stroke, cerebral palsy and other speech impairment.  

Input and output devises are devices attached to the computer to make communication easier.  A mouse or a keyboard are good examples of these. This keyboard is made for a person with just one hand.  The keys are so arranged to make where a person can still function with whatever disability he/she is dealing with.

1 comment:

  1. I also discovered a one handed keyboard, but this one is much different! the one I found doesnt look like a keyboard, it looks more like a mouse pad with several different colored buttons. These buttons are used in combination to create words and letters. I kindof like this one better though! Seems ideal, but not very expensive.
